23rd Dec 2022 – One last thing before Christmas… demand an EGM

The time has come to demand an Extraordinary General Meeting
It is the last working day for many before 2023, and it doesn’t look like the CII want to acknowledge or listen to PFS member concerns. The only clear route left is to demand an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Click here to email PFS CEO Don MacIntyre demanding an EGM

You can find your PIN on your PFS membership card or on the PFS website. It is important to include so that we can evidence that genuine members are making the requests.

In case the link doesn’t work, the details are:To: don.macintyre@thepfs.org

Subject: Member request for EGM

Text: I am writing to request an extraordinary general meeting under Clause 5.2 of the Articles of Association. My full name and PIN are …

We need 2,000 people to request this by email. It won’t be easy, but it is possible. There are 330 of us who care enough to be on this mailing list – if we can each get at least 6 more people to send the email, we will succeed.

Thanks so much for your help, and happy holidays!

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